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Bulletproof Gear for Police, Security, Kids, Civilians, & Military

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As a parent, I am concerned about the safety of our children in the current public education atmosphere. I created the Life Binder to protect my own children and offer peace of mind while they are at school.

I found no existing product that would offer the bullet proof protection I desired. No other product on the market allows the ability to increase protection levels. Additionally my findings conclude, that the current market offerings are too costly for most families. I had to find a way to make this available to a wider demographic of people and create a product with multiple levels of security. Please continue reading my research and testing results for more information.

After creating a dozen prototypes and testing with hundreds of rounds, I have now designed what I feel is the idyllic solution for our children's protection at an affordable price point.

My brand allows you to customize the desired level of protection, and the weight. This is the only product on the market that allows you to increase levels of protection. Life Binder is discrete and works with the school supplies you already utilize. It can be carried by the child/student in a binder, or placed in a backpack or cubby at school.

Life Binder offers an extra level of security and peace of mind. This product is made in America.

When you buy from me, your product is American made. Life Binder was invented in Fort Worth, manufactured in Dallas, and made with materials sourced from the US. I created this product myself and am having it manufactured to my specifications and level of satisfaction; there is no middle man. I will personally fill your order and guarantee satisfaction of the design and quality of workmanship, or your money back. If you are not satisfied with the design or workmanship, just return the product for a full refund. While no product is 100% bullet proof, this is tested in a certified Laboratory in accordance with National Institute of Justice standards for protection.

Video - This video shows how to attach the Life Binder to a standard 3 ring binder 

This is a preliminary penetration test. Check out the impact from a .40 Caliber Pistol shot. See the bullet slide right off when the prototype is opened. The final trials were performed in the National Institute of Justice Labs. A video link of the final testing phase is coming soon.

Life Binder Sample Field Test - Check out this awesome video of real Life Binders being shot with a 9 MM, .40 Cal, and 22 LR.

NIJ level II test .357 Mag - I recorded this video from the Chesapeake Labs webcam as they performed one of my tests according to the National Institute of Justice test standards  0108.01. This test was Level II with .357 Mag. The test was about 25 min, I managed to cut it down to about 4.  Please enjoy !

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