Product Testing

14 test panels that were used to determine the optimum amount of layering and material to stop the hand gun rounds we were targeting

each test panel is shot 5 times at specific speeds to make sure the construction is sound

Original Test Panel, hand sewn to see if I could make a product that would stop bullets.This panel was shot with  9mm, 357 mag, .40 and 12g 00 Buck 

Life Binder with .40 , 9mm, slugs 

each test panel is shot 5 times at specific speeds to make sure the construction is sound

9mm testing for level IIa on the red panel, no penitrations

Life Binder with an array of .40 , 9mm, and .357 mag slugs 

Prototype with quilting on the outside

Prototype with quilting on the outside

Lab report testing level II blue panel with .357 Mag at higher velocity around 1400 fps. No Penitrations.

Plain weave Kevlar 129 straight from the roll. Not all Kevlar is the same. 15 layers of K 49 ( boat Kevlar} would not stop what 10 layers of K129 did

Lab result testing Level II with 9mm on blue panel. No penetration here either.

Backside of the panel.  No holes

by testing both  9mm and .357 Mag at each NIJ level, we are confident in the level of protection each product provides